Thursday, January 29, 2015

Slating a Thirst

"The greatest of Sewanee's springs is Tremlett Spring, located near the heart of the campus in the ravine garden known as Abbo's Alley. Tremlett Spring was the central unifying feature of the early Domain landscape, as it was the major source of water which attracted people to Sewanee for thousands of years, including prehistoric Native American groups, an antebellum stagecoach inn, armies on both sides of the Civil War, and the founders of the University. As the water from Tremlett Spring runs through Abbo's Alley, it is joined by that of other smaller springs to create a sizable creek. Sewanee's oldest residences and University buildings are located along or nearby this line of springs and originally depended on them for fresh water." (from an untitled document found within the Society for College and University Planning website)

I too depend on that stream, for freshened spirit.

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