Friday, April 3, 2015

Bobbing and Weaving

Lately, I've noticed an increased number of spent fishing lures and bobbers in Lake Cheston, maybe because someone at the College decided to chainsaw new holes in the trees and foliage along the path. When I asked why about a year or so ago, I learned that the lake will be stocked with fish to encourage sportsmen and women to come on out.

Yesterday, I saw a boat with a 40hp engine, manned by a biology professor and crewed by students. They had hauled up fish, and I think they identified and counted them. Previously, I've seen plenty of fish wearing silver tags.

Great, I've been thinking. More fish, fewer Odonates.

At least some of the wildlife I watch seem not to mind. This spider, for one, reminded me of the bikinied coeds on the grassy bank, catching what sun there was today, just hangin' out.

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