Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Day Full of Nothing

A Saturday, like most, mostly full of nothing special.

The Farmer's Market: scones, goat cheese, tomatoes, friendly neighbor vendors (free tomatoes that won't "have to go to the chickens"), old friends and new ones, a little gossip, much laughter, a cup of deep black New Orleans coffee in exchange for two scones, neighborly dehumidifier bucket-emptying, surfing the Web, newspaper reading, emailing, job applying, salad making (cucumbers, onion, and sour cream and tomato, olive oil, fresh basil), chatting with a Bell Buckle friend and enjoying the afternoon, walking, photographing, mating bugs on cherry tomatoes, supporting and advising, sunning, bird feeding, dinner making (turkey burger, salad -- lettuce and Cindy's Kitchen, quick stir-fry potatoes), reading and grading, downloading and adjusting and choosing and blogging. A day full of nothing -- but loved things and people and flowers and leaves.

Always flowers.

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