"People who daily expect to encounter fabulous realities run smack into them again and again. They keep their minds open for their eyes." (Ken Macrorie)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Homes and Home
Recently a former student saw this photograph, assuming it was my home. Not exactly: Rebel's Rest is a Sewanee guest house.
My own home, though not historical, is cozier. When I return at night, golden light and my friend Pringle's blown glass ball glow in welcome.
When I return in daylight, the forest -- either leaved or no, green or gray -- welcomes me.
Sometimes a place for guests, my house is where now I work as well as live. My home holds a cat, many works of art, more books, and even more photographs of the people I love most.
Only my family are missing, but they too make my house my home because they live in me.
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