Thursday, July 24, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

The four-children family moved, taking with them thunks of bats, thwacks of soccer balls, screams of laughter, and bundles of choked-up tears. The house waits for another family, a happy one, I hope. I miss the joyful sounds and children's smiles and springy curls and blueblue eyes.

The oldest building on campus burned last night, leaving many long-term folks jarred and sad. One young woman told me today that a retired professor sobbed so long and hard last night at the news that everyone in the room, even those brand new to the area, cried, too. 

I live here, but I don't suppose I'll ever feel quite at home. I am not one of "them" who have matriculated or taught or worked for the University, but I have taught and I know some of them and like them. 

Our neighborhood loses a bit of goodness with every departure.

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