Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's the Little Things

like three new signs at the top of my street: NO PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS.

Imagine driving round a blind curve, made blind by road-hugging tall hedges, and finding three small children walking directly at your car. That's happened to me, and it's a wonder I didn't hit them or a tree trying to avoid them.

Now add the School of Theology students (adults, mind you, not adolescents) who insist on parking along my street beginning at the end of that hedge, add the three children and a car rounding the corner, even at a very slow speed, and . . . well . . . you can see what we've been living with here, for many years.

Not any longer! The College has happily done something about it. Now if the powers-that-be will also do something about those dadgum hedges . . . .

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