Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Holding-My-Breath Bird

Ten Eastern Bluebird Facts

  1. They will find a bluebird box if you put one out. Otherwise, they use tree holes for nests.
  2. They live in meadows and like birdhouses in openings, providing a kind of clear flight path home.
  3. They are small (think teacup size).
  4. They are omnivores who prefer eating insects.
  5. Their eyesight is keen.
  6. They hunt by perching on phone wires, posts, and low tree branches.
  7. They can have more than one brood a year.
  8. Both parents care for the young, and sometimes a young bird from the first brood will hang around to help the parents with the second brood.
  9. They'll fight off other birds for their preferred nesting spot, as this one did this morning when three Tree Swallows challenged him.
  10. Like phenomenal basketball players, they can seem to hover in mid-air on nearing their target.

And One Opinion

  1. They are endlessly, startlingly, breathtakingly beautiful.

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