Thursday, September 3, 2015

Close Calls


I drove out to Grundy Lakes, hoping to find at least Clubtail. Instead I found this lovely clump of fungi, and as I was bending down to snap at least one decent photo, thunder clapped and rain spattered.

Fortunately, I made it to the car just in time.


I went to Abbo's Alley in late afternoon, hoping to find the Shadow Darner patrolling the creek, where he had been yesterday (without ever hovering for a photo op), and as I was turning on my camera, I heard a great crashing of leaves and limbs atop a tree across the creek.

The fallen hawk was as shocked as I, looked in both directions thrice, and then flew off without the squirrel, who made it a tree just in time.


I walked further up, looking for the darner and discovered, much to my horror, that somehow I had transferred just a bit of the oily brand-new insect repellent (Burt's Bees) from my arm to the camera itself, desperately pulled out my shirttail tried to clean it, ran to the car, and drove straight home.

At home, a good wipe-down with a camera cloth suggests that I may have made it just in time.

Notes to self: Expect the unexpected and get the dadgum camera ready before leaving the car!

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