Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I heard the question before I saw the asker, "What are you finding to photograph?"

My neighbor, on her way to campus, took a little detour to see what I had found so fascinating on the electric pole.

"That," I said, pointing. "Look at the color of the weathering."

"I'm glad you can find something beautiful today. That's become difficult for a lot of folks."

"There's always something."

She said, "Yes, especially out here, in the moment."

Mind you, she's a forestry professor so we share some interests.

"That's really where I'm going." I pointed up to the Chapel of the Apostles. "I'm not at all religious, but I love that building."

She smiled. "Well, there's religious and spiritual. One is deeper than the other." She took a beat and added, "I'll leave it to you to decide."

And so we parted, and I walked on to this.

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