Jane, an old friend, wrote this about the silly white crab spider with heart-configured eyes, puffing herself up on a luxurious bed of read zinnia: "This little spider has so much personality she could be a Disney characters. You are so good at capturing faces and colors and I cannot resist personifying these tiny creatures. You say you need a better camera. I thinking maybe this camera does your subjects justice. They don't look like technical illustrations. They look like part of a narrative." She made me realize this is a Miss Spider whose tea party I'd love to attend on Valentine's Day.
Another old friend, Lou, has told me that I should write and bind a children's book called Bugs with Attitude because so many of the photos I've been taking capture just that way of being the world. The creatures face me, defiant and proud, as if engaged in a staring contest. How dare you, they seem to say, invade my space!
Maybe my little Canon is enough, but then I see a shot like this, and I get lens envy all over again. The color green has never been my favorite. I'll take red any day.
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