Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Ordinary Made Extraordinary

When the weather warms, dragonflies emerge along the shore of Lake Cheston.  That's ordinary.  What's extraordinary is that I can walk down to a shore and immediately find one particular dragonfly emerging, like this one near the beach or another at the dam.
When I go to my on-ground work, I ordinarily wear shoes.  What's extraordinary is that today I wore shoes from different pairs.  I didn't even know it till I got home, dropped my keys on the doormat, bent over, and noticed my feet.
 Spring means leafing and blossoming.  That's ordinary.  What's extraordinary is that I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful place where redbuds, crabapples, lilacs, dogwoods (pink and white and kousa [later blooming]), forsythia, Japanese maples, kwanzan and yoshino cherries, daffodils, tulips, and countless wildflowers blossom all along the way home.  
I make a turn and what's truly extraordinary is that I don't audibly gasp.

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