Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Old Friend and a New Challenge

On the way to the library to check out the large print edition (two volumes!) of Cry the Beloved Country, I ran into an old friend: a freshly minted Gray Hairstreak sunning himself and waiting for a female of his kind.  I spotted him easily because of his hop onto the blossom, but when I tried to snap his picture, I discovered a new wrinkle: I can no longer focus on the camera screen.

Yowzer, I had somehow overlooked this potentially challenging result of cataract surgery with middle-distance lenses.

On the way to and from the library, I pondered my quandary.  Bifocals for walking?  Distance and really close?  But then I'd lose the middle distance that is so brilliant.  Distance glasses for walking and the naked eye for photography?  But then how shall I see the imaging screen?  Perhaps I should walk with a naked eye, wearing half-rimmed over-the-counter close-up reading glasses on an eyeglass leash.  Then I can yank them up when I'm ready to shoot.

My October 17 appointment for a new prescription (prescriptions?) looms larger than it did five hours ago.

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