Monday, August 12, 2013

Another Reason to Love Living in Sewanee

Strong wind this morning and a cooperative Halloween Pennant: opposites equal frustration. 

Finally, I lay down in the grass, propped myself a bit on on my left shoulder so I wouldn't roll downhill into Lake Gregg, and started snapping.

Just as I was figuring out the dragonfly's distance, the light (too much of it and too much white and too much shadow since the Pennant faced away from the sun to collect its heat most efficiently), a small College vehicle stopped on the macadam atop the hill. 

I looked up to find a gentleman peering down from the door lip on which he stood. 

"You OK?" he called. I saw the look of concern.

"I'm fine," I answered and held up my camera. "Just taking pictures!"

"Oh," he called. "I thought you had fallen and hurt yourself. Have a good day!"

When I rolled back, the Pennant had flown away.

A missed photo.

A chance encounter.

Frustration eased.

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