Saturday, November 1, 2008

Robin Hood

Today, while I was surfing Facebook on break from grading, I came across some photos of former New Orleans students celebrating Halloween. One photo showed a Robin Hood, and in the weird and wonderful way memory works, I swept along brain waves to childhood, yet again.

Here my parents are in 1957, as Robin Hood and Maid Marian, decked out in costumes my mother made for the Beaux Arts Ball in Birmingham. In another photo, their merry men appear -- the Chenoweths and the Hendrixes, among others. They won first prize, and I have the tray with all their signatures to prove it.

I remember the taking of this photograph, although I don't remember who took it. As I remember, they posed in front of the Chenoweths' fireplace, though I can't prove it. I suspect that I stayed there with Babbie and Emily while the adults went out.

The photo is iconic: my parents loved make-believe, he as actor and she as writer/producer/director. Here, they play their roles, but look at her: she laughs as if at the joke and in admiration of his joie de vivre.

Lively, they were. Charming. And such fun, especially for me as a child basking in their play.


llmaumus said...

you look like your mom. She's so pretty and your daddy so handsome. From what you wrote I suppose that's where you got your interests. You come by your talents naturally.What a nice tribute to them. Why do people we love have to die?

Robley H said...

Really? Everyone has always said that one brother and I look like Daddy, the other like Mother. Yup. We have/had the same interests.