Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthier Living and Unintended Consequences

My 12-year-old car has officially died.  I am now Carless in Sewanee.

As a result, I bike or walk where I once drove.  For three days running, I have biked to Lake Cheston, 1.5 or 1.7 miles each way (depending on the route).  I can feel muscles in my lower back that I had forgotten were there.  They are now unhappily announcing themselves.  My legs feel stronger already.

Better health may be an unintended consequence of a hunk of metal junk stuck at the end of my driveway.

But so may be a few startling pictures, especially those I took today at a friend's horse pasture.  Had I driven by, I'd never have seen yesterday's Spot-winged Glider swarm or today's Swift Setwings.

When I get a car that works, I may have to reconsider my travel habits.

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