Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lucky Number 13

(or maybe 14)

Meet the Familiar Bluet, sighted once before and finally photographed today.

Don't ask me how I managed to avoid sliding, bottom first, into the lake (the answer is barely).  Don't ask me how I managed to see this little fellow, clinging to grass some ten feet off the shore at the first (new eyes and new glasses are helpful).  Don't ask me why I had not seen him before the dregs of fall (Giff Beaton says the Bluet has been around since April).

But do ask me this: Are you pleased to shoot and identify the 13th (maybe 14th) damselfly on the Domain?  

Well, yes, well pleased.

1 comment:

Chrissine said...

I'm pleased too! For me and for you. Very nice!