Sunday, June 22, 2014


I really want to see one of those Amber-winged Spreadwings! I surprised myself by saying this aloud, despite my being alone.

I stepped across the spongy pond shore, still wet and muddy after morning rain.

And then I saw him: flying up from the water, large and baby blue, then hanging from one of the grasses. As soon as I slid my camera across my chest, he flitted up into the tree branches and then beyond, out of sight.

After searching for another, I climbed out of the pond, walked down the old farm road, and re-entered on the opposite shore. I immediately saw another male spreadwing, but once again as I approached, he flew away.

Taunting me, he hung from grass in the water, just beyond the reach of my camera.

The camera is limited by distance.

I am limited in making a sneak-attack by the necessity of movement.

The Amber-winged Spreadwing is limited by the length of his adulthood, during which he is driven to reproduce.

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