Monday, June 23, 2014

The Best Root Canal Day Ever

Two Spot-winged Gliders hawked back and forth, back and forth, between the endodontist's office and patio fountain. One even "belly-flopped" several times in the chlorinated water. Every tooth appointment should begin like this.

A trip over the bridge to New Hope in search of river access. Instead, I followed a sign that said "SHRINE," uncertain of what I'd find. Past trailers, homemade houses, McMansions, and a couple of stately old farms I found this: a folk art church created by a Marionite.

And look who awaited me on the altar.

And look who I found in the grass outside.

And look who perches above Mary.

And then, as I reached for the car door, this fellow flew past me, close to the ground: my very first Black-shouldered Spinyleg.

A wander to Nickajack Dam, where a fisherman told me, "No catfish for the last two years, even since that spill in West Virginia. I've fished here for fifteen years and till two years ago, I caught all the catfish I wanted." And where when I asked two workers emptying the garbage cans how I could get down to the water, one answered, "You're a grown lady. You can go down that closed-off sidewalk and then walk down on the rick-rack. It ain't goin' nowhere and ain't no snakes up in here." No snakes, but plenty of Blue-fronted Dancers, Dusky Dancers, a few Common Whitetails, and one (or two) Cyrano Darners.


That's what Odonates and I have in common.

And the outdoors.

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