Monday, November 16, 2015

Standing and Waiting Have Their Rewards

A bleak afternoon: the cloud cover expected later arrived earlier, and I went to the lake later rather than earlier.

I stutter-strolled down one pathway along the short side of the beach, stopped to stare at the bittersweet as though I might see something new (I didn't), stopped to stare at the oil-slicked water's surface as though I might see something new (I didn't), stopped to stare at the cat-tails as though I might see something new (I didn't). I stood. I waited. For nothing.

I took one step toward the water, and then it happened: a beautiful female Blue-faced Meadowhawk fluttered up from the leaf litter, perched, and allowed my long gaze.

What luck! Only the second of her species I have seen this year I and the first-ever female I have found all by her lonesome.

As if the sun had come out (it hadn't), the day brightened, and I went for that walk after all.

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