Monday, June 8, 2009

More Than a Welcome Mat

My friend Trink enjoys two great gifts: humor and love. She epitomizes the old saw of having never met a stranger.

I stopped by this afternoon for an unannounced visit, and even before I entered the house, I stopped to enjoy her most recent creation. As a result of her stroke, she could not have arranged this tableau with her own hands, but I know her directing eye saw the arrangement through to completion. (The red wagon, by the way, was until a year ago in frequent use. She hauled groceries, garden clippings and plants, paint supplies, logs and kindling.)

Trink's visitors greet the musician, lost in thought and interior music before taking the steps. What a way to say, "A woman with a score of humor and love lives here. Come on in and join the orchestra."

Thank you, Trink, for the invitation and for the harmonious conducting.

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