Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Lesson from Baby Suggs

As a tutor, I am helping a Chinese student try to cope with Toni Morrison's Beloved, a brilliant and difficult novel.  The other day, I read aloud passages about Baby Suggs and her study of color.  "I want to think about something harmless in this world," the former slave tells Sethe, her daughter-in-law, who takes her whatever she can find with color.  Sethe remembered that it "took her a long time to finish with blue, then yellow, then green.  She was well into pink when she died."

Today, when friends and family might have been in church or hunting eggs, I was thinking on color. There can be no better way to spend a glorious day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May all your days be as colorful! What a wonderful lessen too. Brilliant, Robley