Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holy Moly!

I almost didn't go to the lake today because I thought I would find nothing to photograph.  

Besides, I thought, I got my snap on the way to the Piggly Wiggly. In my head, I already written, "Dear Driver, I am sorry I pulled off so suddenly into the defunct gated community, but that big hawk made me do it."
But I went anyway, more out of a sense of duty than anticipation.

But then it happened: I spotted an Autumn Meadowhawk sunning herself on a rock below the dam, and beyond her a Familiar Bluet hung just inches above the water. 
 Holy moly! I screamed aloud, followed by Holy cow!

It's December 18, for crying out loud!  Last night, we experienced a fierce hailstorm that a scientist friend desrcibed like this: "The clouds cut loose and flailed at a thousand snare drums.  Ten minute hail storm.  Loudest weather I've ever heard.  The cats *freaked*"!  The temperature plummeted!

I did, too.  Down the hill and into the water, only barely managing to save the camera.

Once again, I am in awe.

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