Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Present Clock

After raising more than enough money on Kickstarter, m ss ng p eces now sells The Present Clock, a beautiful reminder of how we truly live in time, moving imperceptibly from moment to moment.

ThePresent from m ss ng p eces on Vimeo.

Without a watch, without a clock, with only a few appointments I must attend to at certain times, I have been living more and more this way over the last four years, and I am more and more happy as a result.  I work (mostly) when I want to, I eat when I want to, I bathe when I want to, I walk when I want to, . . . without feeling the pressure of obeying a cruel schedule set by someone else.

Imagine, then, my surprise when -- thinking about the beautiful metaphor of The Present Clock -- I saw this tree at the entrance to Abbo's Alley.

When did December 12 look like spring?  Has the present become the past?

I feel more out of time than ever!


Joni said...

What a lovely post! The clock is a wonderful idea, and who knew there could be trees like that in December? I'm keeping your post in mind today as I tend to feel lost without my daily schedule :-)

Robley H said...

Good luck with that, Joni!