Tuesday, February 5, 2013


One of my first cousins came for a day's visit, which we ended with dinner at Crossroads Cafe, a small restaurant that opened recently in Sewanee. I met the owner and chef, Irene, this summer through a friend who brought her to the gardener's market. She bought some of my scones, more than once, and even begged for my recipe (which I did not surrender).

Tonight, she served us at the counter, adding a little of this or that to our plates as we were the evening's last customers.  We talked about Singapore, Sewanee, scones, and cousins.  My cousin and I smiled when she told us that a professor is her son's second-cousin once-removed.

Sewanee is that kind of place: where strangers come together from China or Singapore or Virginia and make acquaintance. If they're lucky, they'll do so over dumplings and slow-cooked ginger, as I did this evening.

May Irene and all our cousins live long and prosper.

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