Friday, June 28, 2013

Play Date

When the butterfly count participants received instructions at the lake on Saturday, the group happened to run into me. David, their leader, introduced me as "the dragonfly/damselfly person" on the Domain.

A few days later, Jonathan, one of the participants, emailed to ask if he could join me for a walk one day. I checked his credentials with David, who enthusiastically endorsed him as exactly the kind of person we need more of up here on the Plateau.

That he is!

I so enjoyed a quick survey of Odonates this morning and our chat about Louisiana, cameras, bugs, yurts, and more. One former student will be thrilled to hear that Jonathan envied my camera; his, while perfect for birding (he's been involved in bird-banding), is not so great for the wee flyers we encountered, including the season's first newly emerged Autumn Meadowhawk and adult Swamp Darner.

With this post, I assure my readers that, while prone to solitude, I do know how to engage with humans as well as Odonates.

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