Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fraidy Kittens: Day 2

After a night spent on (me) and under (them) the couch, we emerged this morning, all of us, ready to greet the day.

The food bowl refilled, the litter box cleaned, I took off for the grocery. When I returned, Cleo (Clio?) met me, having spread herself out on the couch for a little grooming.
On three different occasions during the day, both scampered and clattered up and down the stairs, into my bedroom, and all around the living and dining rooms. One even came into the study twice while I was working, but never lingered long enough for a photo op.

My friend Betsy McCutchen had two cats, Ellie and Lovey, who -- when anyone came to visit -- used to hide in the "scary closet." Cleo (Clio?) and Clue have the "scary couch," where they sleep in a small slump.
Day 2: a success by any measure.

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