Sunday, August 16, 2015

Kindred Spirits

I truly love my Facebook dragonfly and damselfly groups.

Just this week, an expert, who has written the important books about American odonates, "liked" my post ("It would sure be convenient if American Rubyspots would take in the view anywhere other than in complete shade [necessitatin flashing and weird coloring]. Take a hint from the Blue-ringed Dancers!) And he liked my weird photographs as well. 

I was and am . . . as a former student posted . . . "inodonately happy."

Facebook proves that I am one among many enamored of, challenged by, even obsessed with odonates and odonate photography. I was thrilled to discover Paul Ritchie, fellow amateur and kindred spirit, who, like me, believes the "best photograph will be the next one."

Here's to tomorrow and more bugs!

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