Thursday, April 2, 2009


In her wonderful book Color: A Natural History of the Palette, Victoria Finlay includes this passage in her chapter titled "Blue":"It is curious that in England the word 'blue' should represent depressing as well as transcendent things; that it should be the most holy hue and the color of pornography. Perhaps this is because blue recedes into the distance -- artists use it to create space in their paintings; TV stations use it as a background on which they can superimpose other footage -- so it represents a place that is outside normal life, beyond not only the seas but the horizon itself. Fantasy, depression and God are all, like blue, in the more mysterious reaches of our consciousness."

How do I describe the blue of the bluebell? Ultramarine? Azure? Cerulean? Indigo? Sapphire? Royal? Persian? Cobalt? Prussian?

Like God, like depression, like fantasy, it is all these and more.Celebrate blue and the bluebell.

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