The spider, juiced crystal and Milky Way, drifts on his web through the night sky
And looks down, waiting for us to ascend . . .
At dawn he is still there, invisible, short of breath, mending his net.
All morning we look for the white face to rise from the lake like a tiny star.
And when it does, we lie back in our watery hair and rock.
That's lovely, Robley! However did you spot him?
Thanks, Joni. Tiny flower crab spiders are everywhere here now -- even on my automobile dashboard. Each year, little critters love my iris, so when I went out after rain to shoot the flowers, I also looked for bugs, expecting to find a katydid nymph (I've seen one already. Instead I saw this little one. He or she was climbing all around the flower, pausing at the peaks in hopes of finding something edible. Then when I got too close, s/he took off into the air, rode the silk to the trunk of a black walnut, and skittered up between pieces of bark, nearly disappearing. Very clever little things, spiders.
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