"Yep," I said. "As always."
I pointed out a few dragonflies, and we chatted briefly, promising to get together for a bug walk.
Before they moved on with their dogs, Tam said, "Are you still publishing these?"
"I'm still blogging every day," I said. "Mostly only bugs now."
"Send me the link," she said, and Sarah said, "Send it to me, too!"
Tam and Sarah, this is for you.
Today's Top 10 + 1 List:
1. Female Pondhawk at Lake Cheston
2. Eastern Amberwing at Lake Cheston
3. Eastern Meadowhawk on Breakfield Road
4. American Snout at the Community Gardens
5. Spider Snagging a Turquoise Bluet at Lake Cheston
6. Turquoise Bluets Mating at Lake Cheston
7. Spangled Skimmers Mating at Lake Cheston
8. Thick-headed Fly at the Community Gardens
9. Calico Pennants Mating at Lake Cheston
10. Ladybug on Cone Flower at the Community Gardens
11. Female Pondhawk Eating Bumblebee at My Own Dadgum House!

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