Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trout Fishing in North Carolina

Of late, my nephew-in-law has been taking C, his son and my great-nephew, trout fishing in and around Brevard, where they live.  Mostly, they throw back the catch, though at least once C caught dinner all by himself.

He has become Nature Boy, write large.  Knowledgeable about bugs and flowers, now he is adding fish to his bank of facts and, more importantly, respectful pleasures.  Two days ago, my niece even emailed that he had even taken my Christmas book, Bugs with Attitude, to show-and-tell at school.

He's a sweet spirit and a darn good naturalist!


Chrissine said...

Love it! And what a cutie. I'm interested in that Christmas book for my son, too!

Robley H said...

Chrissine, I wrote and illustrated Bugs with Attitude. Every year I make handmade books for the four young ones in the family -- three great-nieces and one great-nephew. See this post: http://mydailysnap.blogspot.com/2010/12/solving-puzzles.html. If you really want one, I might sell you one. :-)