Monday, June 3, 2013

Peas in a Pod

We'd never have become friends without cameras, a love of the woods, and bugging. But we do, and we have.

Today, while she is in Sewanee for the week, I took Gayle to Lake Dimmick, a wonderland of Odonate viewing. We saw Azure Bluets, Common Baskettails, Widow Skimmers, Calico Pennants, Banded Pennants, Double-ringed Pennants, Blue Dashers, Carolina Saddlebags, Common Whitetails, Blue Corporals, one Comet Darner, and one spectacular female Great Blue Skimmer (thanks to Gayle's superior distance vision).

I had forgotten how much fun it is to walk with a kindred spirit. Otherwise strangers, we have so much in common -- and it's the good stuff.


Gayle Forster said...

Your photos turned out wonderful! Wow.... I really enjoyed Lake Dimmick! It was awesome!!! I'm so disappointed that I have lived here 12 years and never have been there until today. Better late than never. Thanks again! If I go missing tell everyone to look there first! hahaha

Robley H said...

I've been thinking of it as my secret. Well . . . not any longer!

Gayle Forster said...

Your photos turned out wonderful! We saw and you identified so many species of dragonflies. Wow...I really enjoyed Lake Dimmick, it was awesome! It is hard to believe that I have lived here 12 years and never been there until today! I appreciated you taking me today, I enjoyed it so much! Time seemed to stand still. If I go missing tell everyone to look there first! HAHA Thanks again!