Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Same Bugs, Different Ponds

S, a fellow ode-o-phile, invited me to meet her at friends' ponds on another part of the mountain.

Same elevation, different water, same bugs. (Nineteen species I counted.)

We wondered aloud what makes the difference between there and here (I have seen some odes she hasn't, and she has seen some I haven't).

Like the experts, we have no idea.

But we enjoyed the outing, the beautiful weather, and the generosity of her friends.

That is . . . until I helped flush (unintentionally) a newly emerged ode about which she was curious, and a red-winged blackbird snagged it. Only a few feet in front of me. Despite my frantic screaming (cursing, really) and arm-waving.

Sometimes ode-watching hurts.

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