Tuesday, August 30, 2011

An Old Friend and a New One

Until yesterday, I had not seen Michael for 23 years (we think), and I had never met his partner (now spouse) Dale.  Why, one wonders?  They live in L.A., a long way away, and life happened to both of us in between.

On a trip east to visit family, they fit me in for a happy 24 hours between North Carolina and Alabama.  Conversation, good food, a lovely walk, a little shopping and lots of laughter make up for those lost years and promise no more will be lost.

My favorite moment?  Posing at Cedar Hollow Lake, they look at me until Dale says, "Isn't he cute?" and I think You both are.


Joni said...

Sounds like a lovely visit, Robley! Great smiles :-). My daughter has been singing that "Make New Friends" song all week.

Robley H said...

I don't know that song, Joni, but I look forward to hearing it on your blog!