My friend's husband told me about a pond beyond the Equestrian Center, so this morning I decided to find it.
At the barn, I found a friendly gentleman in a stall, who said, "Hop in! I'll drive you over there!" and off we went in his golf cart.

Within five minutes, I found dragonfly number 16: the Halloween Pennant. Oh, the male's color! Pumpkin orange with laced wings like spider webbing. Two feet away a female perched, sparkling like honey, wings outspread.
Back at the dam I found a Cow Killer (what a name for a stinging ant!), more horse flies than I'd ever want to see, and a lot of the usual suspects -- Slaty Skimmers, Widow Skimmers, Amberwings, Banded Pennants.
About an hour later, truly dripping with sweat, cliche and all, I headed back across the dam. Only then did I realize I could stand on a small bit of shore next to some cattails. There, after trying to snap a picture through leaves into the lake, I saw something glimmer, pulled up the camera, and zoomed -- and held my breath: a Common Green Darner! I had only seen them flying before, and even though I could get no closer than about six feet, I looked and learned: red legs, spotted thorax, lime green face, tawny eyes, aquamarine abdomen. Oh my!
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