Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So Many Bodies of Water, So Little Time

I have lived in Sewanee for nine and half years, but only in the last four months have I begun to appreciate its many advantages, foremost among them bodies of water.

I'm not sure who decided what is a pond and what is a lake here (I suspect it has to do with size and water depth), but there are a gracious plenty of them, where dragonflies and damselflies breed, emerge, and feed.  They've been doing so since at least early April, and I expect this to continue well into the fall.  I plan to visit every single pond or lake.  (Next year: seeps, creeks, and the like.)

So far, I have visited these bodies of water, where I have shot countless photographs and seen many more wonders that I captured only with my eyes:
Abbo's Alley Creek

Cedar Hollow Lake

Chestnut Pond
Farm Pond

The Forestry Cabin Pond

Lake Bratton

Lake Cheston

Lake Dimmick

Lake Finney

Lake Gregg

Lake O'Donnell

The Res

Running Knob Lake

1 comment:

Joni said...

Lots to explore! And I love the beautiful reflections in these photos.