Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Sweet Drug That Plays With Fire

Reverie.  Perhaps this is what I have been doing -- walking and photographing to "strip[. . .] the world of its utility" (para. 4).  I know that "reverie is how one arrives at immediacy" (para. 4).  I walk with a camera and shoulds, if onlys, what next? disappear, making way for "lucidity without an object" (para. 3).
For me, a day without walking and pictures is a day without "a sweet drug that plays with fire" (para. 1).

"On Reverie" by Raphael Enthoven, The New York Times, August 6, 2011

1 comment:

Kella said...

Lovely post, Robley! Reverie is so important to life. I find reverie in solitude, which I often find through walking too. I know there's a whole world around me, but it's nice to sort things out through a winding, curiosity-filled stroll. Three cheers for having two feet to take us hither and yonder.