Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Daily Kibble

Instead of posting my own picture today, I want to write about two great websites.
The first is Free Kibble. A ten-year-old who loves animals took on her own public service project. With the support of her parents, she started companion websites you can visit every day. When you answer the cat or dog trivia question, you contribute to the feeding of sheltered animals. The websites are modeled on other nonprofit support sites. To contribute, go to FreeKibbleKat or FreeKibble.

Another site I love was sent to me by a former student now at Oberlin. It's called Free Rice. You'll contribute grains every time you know the meaning of a vocabulary word. Try it!

The web can make you feel good even when you don't!

1 comment:

Hannah Kay said...

I've heard of Free Rice! It's a confidence boost to get those questions right while you're not simply wasting away on the Internet (the way I usually feel whenever I'm on on the Web).