Thursday, August 14, 2008

The One and Only Lady

There are dogs, but there is only one Lady and she calls me "aunt." She loves me and I love her.
I met Lady in July 2001, when I was new to Bell Buckle and she was still a youngun. As you can see, she has a gray chin now. (I have aged, too.) But another thing about her has also changed: she has grown to think of me as family, and I the same of her.

She first visited me every morning when I lived across the street from her human companions, my friends Florence and Jere. She'd trot over, sniff around, stand off in front of the bushes at first, but soon clamber up the steps onto the porch where I loved to sit, let me pet her, lean on me, and lie down next to me and let me rub her tummy till one of her companions came to take her home. Later as a teen, she and her sister Princess (who stood on her front feet to pee!) came to visit me in Sewanee. After taking a tour of my downstairs, Lady slept for the night in my entryway. Now when I stay at her house because I have to work late into the night at school, she doesn't even stir in the morning when I leave, thinking of me as one of her own.

What I love most about Lady is simple: when I enter her yard and she hears my voice, she charges me, pawing me to pet her and, whining/grunting, wiggles her whole body with pure joy and begs to hold her, rub her, talk to her, love her. No matter what anyone thinks of me, Lady loves me as only a niece can.


Unknown said...

Robley , you were the best Aunt she ever had and she knew it.She appreciated the way you talked to her and greeted her when you came thru the gate or chilled in the kitchen. You were all hers. I wish you could have attended the funeral. You could have given one of your meaningful tequila toasts that could have been a point in history. It's still not to late for the toast next time we meet. Thank you for enriching Black Lady's life. She thanked you each time you all met.

Robley H said...

She was such a good good dog.